Donate Now to Help Autistic Families in Need!

Donate Now to Help Autistic Families in Need! image


raised towards $10,000 goal




Days Left


It's time for our annual online fundraiser!

Your tax deductible contribution will help us in our mission to promote autism awareness, acceptance, and inclusion in local and faith-based communities all over the world! Each year in April, we host the Accessible Faith Initiative, which focuses on recruiting and empowering places of worship to do activities that educates their congregation about autism. Special resources are provided, such as toolkits, webinars, and more!

We also offer initiatives that directly support autistic persons, such as Manna from Heaven, which provides gift cards for autistic persons in need of food for Thanksgiving. In addition, our Cheerful Giving initiative provides sensory tools and supports for autistic persons in December of each year.

Please help us spread the word about our fundraiser! Tell a friend and share on social media!